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A long lost relative? Someone from a company where you applied for a job? Maybe it would be from the admissions department of a college or from a publisher where you submitted a manuscript?

What if you could hear from the creator of everything?  Now that would be significant and life changing. There are hundreds of stories in the bible where ordinary people heard from God. The bible also states that God never changes.  Hebrews 13:8  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  If He never changes then hearing a word from God is available to us today too. 

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship and we will look at the life changing power of hearing a word from God. We will gather at 8:45am for praise and worship. Speak Lord!


Jennifer Kaburik  will be having surgery for her breast cancer tomorrow at 2:30 at Barnes West. I spoke with her this evening and she said to mention to all you ladies to get your breast exams. Lots of prayers!

Mike Rodgers,  Please pray for Mike for full recovery and relief from his pain..

Mary and Leland Knapp both need God’s healing touch for various health issues. We are asking for God’s healing mercies and strength and peace.

Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer.

Patty Barney’s father-in-law is in advanced stage of Parkinson’s disease. We pray for God’s peace and comfort for her father-in-law and family.

See you Sunday. Love, pastor kent . 800 North Main Street Edwardsville