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I have been seeking God’s wisdom for our church ever since we launched a little over 6 years ago. One of the questions I have been thinking about lately is, “How will a church know when it is being effective?” And the answer I come up with is “Changed lives!”  I believe a church is effective when people who attend are becoming more and more like Jesus. It’s not that any of us will accomplish that goal in this life, but it is knowing we are moving in the right direction.  If the church is not helping people change their lives for the better according to Jesus’ teachings, then I have to question what we are doing?”  Maybe the question we need to ask is, “What is the primary purpose of the church?” If you go online and google that question you will find there are plenty of good answers. Here are my top three to that question:

1.) To bring the Gospel to people who do not yet know God. We are called to reach out to the lost.

2.) To make disciples of the people who are regularly attending. In other words equipping people to reach the lost. We do this by encouraging the reading of the bible daily. To teach the stories of the bible and how the stories relate to our lives today and to teach people to be praying people. We are called to pray for one another as well as love one another. We come together for Christian fellowship. That means we come together with the commonality of loving Jesus and His teachings. That is why it doesn’t matter if you are Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, non denominational etc. We all have the commonality of knowing and believing in the Gospel, the “Good News!”

3.) To worship God. We come together to praise Him, and thank Him for allowing us to be called His children and giving us the key to eternal life and we come together to share in communion remembering Jesus’ sacrifice.  I believe the product of doing these three things should be “changed lives!”  What do you think? Where do we need to make improvements?

Our Prayer List:

Jennifer Kaburik   Jennifer had a little set back this week and ended up at Barnes but she is coming home today. We pray that God will give Jennifer strength and healing as she completes her treatments.

Pete Fornof  Pete is always upbeat and loves God even though his treatments are certainly testing his strength. Please pray for God’s healing touch and for strength as he continues his treatments.

Mike Portell continued prayers for Mike’s healing and recovery from surgery. It was wonderful seeing Mike this past week at church.

Linda Cassens  continue healing prayers for Linda who has been battling bladder cancer and continues treatments.

Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer and recovers from the surgeries.


One Worship Service This Sunday at 10:00 am .  Please be aware that this Sunday, August 5, we will have just one worship service beginning at 10:00 am.  During this service, our Vacation Bible School students will share some of the songs and lessons they learned this week at VBS, and Holy Communion will be served.  Seekers, Youth Devo and Sunday School rehearsal will begin at 9:00 am.  We will return to our regular Sunday morning schedule the next Sunday, August 12.

Cookie & Punch Reception  Following our 10:00 am worship service this Sunday, everyone will be invited to the lower level for a cookie and punch reception.  You will be invited to wander across the deserted island where our students were shipwrecked this week.  You will be amazed at the transformation!!  DONATIONS OF COOKIES ARE STILL NEEDED for this reception.  If you can furnish cookies, please contact the church office or call Kiffon Lewis (618) 210-9628 or Jill Winte (314) 422-6734.  Thank you so much for your help!

Love, pastor kent