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This Sunday PCF will be meeting at 10:30am at 800 North main St. Edwardsville in the Immanuel Methodist Church. It’s been a couple of weeks since we have gathered so I am looking forward to seeing everyone and coming together in the name of Jesus to learn, to love, to share, and to praise. Why has it been so long since we have gathered? Because we are not a traditional church! We are the church with NO WALLS! 

Christmas...It’s about God loving us so much, he came to earth himself to show us there is Hope and a plan for anyone who is broken, lost, sad, defeated. This Sunday I will be illustrating the power and magnificence of this plan of salvation. This will be a great Sunday to bring a guest who needs to have Hope restored in their life and to know the real magic of Christmas.

Our Prayer List:

Bob Ahrens  Bob will be having back surgery this next Tuesday, December 11th,  at St. Lukes in St. Louis. The surgery is to correct pinched nerves in his lower back. Bob is also in atrial Fib, a heart condition. Let’s lift Bob and Ella in prayer and also the surgeons who will be doing the surgery.

Jim Ebersoldt :Jim is recovering from his heart surgery and has begun therapy. We pray for continued recovery and God’s blessings on Jim and Sue.

Walt Williams  Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann, t hey are starting Walt on a new drug soon to see if they can get some better results. We pray for God’s healing touch and His peace and strength for both Walt and Mary Ann.

Ann Culp, continued prayers of healing and peace for Ann and Mike and her family.

Linda Klingel is still in need of our prayers as she continues her treatments for an autoimmune disease. Please pray for Linda’s strength and for God’s blessing and Peace.

Special request: Shauna Boad continues to develop the mansion at Logan Place in Edwardsville to be a special place for Young Women to know the love of Jesus and is looking for help to trim some tree limbs at the mansion. If you or someone you know could help her out please contact her at 618-971-5029.

From our friends at African Vision of Hope Click Here

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Praise Community Fellowship is an all volunteer Christian family that meets twice a month.  Because we have no building and no salaries we can use our offerings to reach outside the walls of a church building and into our community and the world helping those with need. We believe in discipleship, that we are all called to be Jesus to those hurting around us. We have no membership requirements. We believe if you like what we stand for and what we are doing in the community and the world you will want to join us on our mission of No Walls. If you want to learn more about us go to our web page and sign up for this blog at