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Hebrews 4:16    “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
  • There are those who do not yet know God or Jesus and ask where can I find Him.
  • There are times even as a Christians we find our selves asking, “God where are you?”

As I have talked about many times, no one is ever out of God’s circle of love but it is possible to be outside his circle of blessing and some may ask, “How can that be?”  It is important to understand that love has no spatial boundaries. My children used to live at home with me. We were all in the same small home together. I loved them dearly. Today they all live in their own homes away from my home but my love for them is still the same. If they travel to the other side of the world my love does not change. It remains exactly the same. Distance and location does not affect love. When the young prodigal son went off into the world with his inheritance, his father did not stop loving him.

So drawing near to the Throne of Grace has nothing to do with distance or time and space, it is a heart issue. It is making ourselves available to God by opening our heart through repentance and prayer so that we can begin hearing Him with our spiritual ears and eyes and then realizing that He has been right beside us all along. Sin and disobedience interrupts and disconnects our Spiritual ears and eyes which prevents us from perceiving the closeness of God.  This disconnection can happen anytime we begin to “drift” away from daily prayer and daily bible reading. Becoming a Christian does not guarantee a constant connection to God! It is something that we must work at daily to keep the line of communication open. The reason our connection continually gets interrupted and/or is full of static is because of the deceiver, the evil one. It is his mission to interrupt or destroy our communication with God as long as we live on this earth. Become aware that anything that disrupts our connection with God is not from God and needs to be dealt with quickly!

The good news is: Jesus is more powerful than the evil one and calling on His name has power to overcome these disruptions. Stay strong, pray, read your bibles daily and fight the good fight with the help of the Lord. He is as close as you allow him to be in your life. Just become aware that the evil one is a master distractor! When you feel yourself drifting, take the necessary actions to reopen the line of communication with the maker of the universe. God inspired man to write the bible and He formed the church for the primary purpose of re-establishing a relationship with us! That is His main desire, to be in an intimate relationship with His prize creation!

Anyone interested in Wednesday School? You have heard of Sunday School and I am thinking of starting a Wednesday evening “Seeking God’s Truth” class on Wednesday evenings. This group will explore answers to questions about anything, using Gods word to seek the truth. If this is something you would be interested in, let me know so I can see if we have enough interest to pursue this bible study class.


  • Laurie Frey as she continues to build her strength and recover from her surgery.
  • Cathy Crowder as she continues to recover from her colon cancer treatments and surgery.
  • MaryAnn Williams as she adjusts to life after the passing of Walt.
  • Faye Heuchert Fas she continues to recover from her brain surgery.
  • Snookie Burns, Bonni’s mom as she continues her cancer treatments fro breast cancer.
  • Dorothy Akins, Kent’s great aunt, 95 years old in the hospital fro gall bladder issues.
  • Lane Kaburick, recovery from his leg injury.
  • Pete Fornof as he continues his treatments for stomach cancer
  • For all of us to have the strength and courage to bring others to know Jesus by sharing the Good News!

Our next service will be on August 18th at Glik Park at 9:00am. 

See you soon, please let me know if you have interest in the Wednesday Night Seeking God’s Truth Class.

Love, pastor Kent