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Praise Community Fellowship, the church without walls, will gather this Sunday at Immanuel Methodist Church at 800 North main Street Edwardsville. We meet at 10:30am. We invite anyone to attend our gatherings especially those who have many tough questions about God, the bible, Jesus, the church. We gather to try and understand God’s answers to the tough questions about life. What is the purpose of church? Why is there something instead of nothing? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Is there a God? As the pastor of this family of seekers and believers I want to get into the toughest questions people have about Christianity. Everyone I know is seeking something.  Maybe it’s peace, or happiness, or wealth, or love, maybe it’s just needing to know what the purpose of life is. Some are seeking healing others escape, it doesn’t matter what ever it is you are seeking you have to choose an answer, a path. At PCF we look at the path that God lays out in the bible. We explore how God answers the tough questions and then it’s still a choice. Does it make sense to you, or do you choose a different path? The underlying question I am always trying to answer in my messages is, “Why should I become a Christian?” To me, this is one of the most important questions in Christianity today and we need to make sure it has an excellent compelling answer. And I try to give a compelling answer every time we meet.

We are a volunteer church. We have no salaries, no mortgage, we use our offerings to help people in the community and support organizations who are doing great things here and in other parts pf the world. Thus our motto, Church without Walls. We meet 2 times per month approximately every other week but to know for sure the schedule subscribe to this blog and you will always know when and where we are meeting. The reason I say where is because there are times in the summer months that we will meet at Glik Park outdoors. That is why the PCF family and others who want to follow us need to be subscribed to this blog. This is how we stay in touch with all activities and schedules. You can subscribe HERE

Our Mission is to help people develop a relationship with Jesus. Why? Because this is what the bible teaches his believers to do and we believe that there is a better life available to those who get to know Jesus and then begin applying His teachings into their lives.


This Sunday we will have a very short 2019 budget review so everyone knows where their offering money has gone and where it is going. Gary Watson our board president along with Savannah Halbe will present the budget.

The Twigs lunch crew is looking for volunteers to help pack lunches this Thursday at the church. You can show up at the church at 4:00!


Faye Heuchert Faye is home and is doing much better but is still dealing with headaches. We pray for continued strength and recovery.

Louise (Snookie) Burns Bonni’s mom has begun treatments for breast cancer is is doing good. We pray for God’s healing and strength for her and Bonni’s dad Henry as she continues her treatments.

Bob Ahrens  Bob is doing much better as he continues to recover from his back surgery. We continue to lift him and Ella up as he continues to gain his strength and mobility.

Adelynn Wasser Adelynn There is an update on little Adelynn. She now weighs 2.8 lbs and her breathing and other functions continue to improve. She will probably remain in the hospital until April so she needs us to continue our prayers!

Jim Ebersoldt : Continues prayers for full recovery and strength and God’s peace.

Walt Williams  I spoke to Walt this week and he said he is doing ok but he is struggling with his oxygen levels.Walt continues to battle cancer. Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann, We pray for God’s healing touch and His peace and strength for both Walt and Mary Ann.

The PCF family, that we will grow closer to Jesus, to one another, and bring Jesus’ love message to many more people this year.

Missed a service but still want to hear the sermon? Go to our website where you can listen to past sermons. Go to